Fitri Purwatiani


The purpose of this research was to develop Grammar Board Game as media in learning English Grammar. There were five steps that adapted from Latief (2012:172) in (Basuki, 2017:21). They were need analysis, studying recent theories, developing the product, validating the product to experts and field testing the product. The product is a set of board game called Grammar Board Game and dice. The product had been implemented to X MIPA 2 students at SMAN 2 Karangan in the academic year 2018/2019. The result of the Grammar Board Game development can be used as an alternative and appropriate media for learning English Grammar. Grammar board game has managed in making the studentsâ?? attention span longer and made them more motivated in learning grammar. Grammar board game attracted the studentsâ?? attention until the class ended and make them easier in learning English grammar

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