Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Pkn Materi Pengembangan Diri Melalui Metode Inkuiri pada Siswa Kelas VI SDN 2 Dawuhan Tahun 2013/2014



Abstract: National education based on Pancasila aims to improve the quality of Indonesian
human being, the man who is faithful and devoted to the God Almighty One, noble character,
personality, disciplined, hard-working, resilient, responsible, independent, intelligent, and
skilled and physically and mentally healthy. National education should also be able to nurture
and deepen their love for the homeland, strengthen the national spirit and a sense of social
solidarity. The problem of the research is how is the improvement of learning outcome of PKn
in self-development material through the inquiry method in class VI SDN 2 Dawuhan
academic year 2013/2014? The purpose of this study was to know the improvement of the
learning outcome of PKn in self-development material through inquiry method in class VI
SDN 2 Dawuhan academicyear 2013/2014. The object of this research was 19 students of
class VI SDN 2 Dawuhan. The application of the inquiry method in learning PKnin selfdevelopmentmaterial got good learning outcomes. It is proven from the average after the
implementation of inqury method was7.46, while before the implemnetation was only 5.7. The
conclusion of this study is the inquiry method can improve the learning outcomes of PKn in
self-development material in academic year 2013/2014.

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