Jumani -


Political education is a consistent attitude in directing social control, both the
purpose and methods of the education system, such as developing skills and character
development and civilization dignified nation in the context of the intellectual life of the
nation, the development of students' potentials to become a man of faith and fear of
Allah, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become
citizens democratic and accountable. An overall education policy formulation process and
the results of strategic measures of education based on theory and reality in the field that
are derived from the vision, the mission of education in order to realize the achievement
of educational goals based on moral values of Pancasila. Political goal of education is to
know and equate national standardization of the quality of education in Indonesia. In
order to achieve this, curriculum 2013 is needed to emphasizes personal competence
through a process of observation, asking, analysis, and trying, in order to obtain learners
are trained in solving problems. Curriculum assessment standards in 2013 with the
workmanship is not just the result, expressive assessment contained in the formulation is
a continuation of the development of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), both
competence attitudes, knowledge, and skills in an integrated manner (soft skills and hard
skills balanced and integrative).

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