Muhamad Posyidin


The objective of the research is to develop Televocabot (Telegram Vocabulary Bot) as an interactive vocabulary learning source. The research design is educational R & D as one research design aimed at developing educational products, like curriculum, syllabus, textbooks, instructional media, etc. The subject of this research is the second semester of English language education department students 2018/2019 academic year consists of 27 students; 19 students of female and eight students of male. The instruments used in this research are a questionnaire, interview, and observation. The data collected by the questionnaire is analyzed quantitative way, and data collected by observation and interview are analyzed qualitative way. The product is developed based on studentsâ?? needs, studying the theory of R&D, studying the theory of vocabulary, Telegram, E-learning, and studying the theory of the usage of telegram bot. The product is developed in five steps development. The result of the need analysis score is 2688. It means the respondent agrees that the vocabulary course needs to be a learning media. Then, the result of the field-test score is 2768. It means the respondent agrees that the product of this research was excellent and feasible to use as media in learning vocabulary.

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