Puri Norita Sari, Dwi Putri Hartiningsari


The objective of this research is to know the learning style of the millennial generation in full day school obligation. This research is phenomenological research design. The samples of the research were 32 students from XI grade at SMKN 1 Pogalan. The samples were given a set of rating scale questionnaires to know the students' learning style. Data from questionnaires would be matched with the related theory. The result of the questionnaires showed that the most of samples had affective learning style and physiological learning style, the amount of them were 28.12% and 34.37% from 32 samples. Based on the result, the learning style of millennial students in full day school are affective and physiological styles. The characteristics of this style are they need each other to learn and they are depend on their physical surroundings such as learning environment, temperature and others

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