Triana Wulandari Admanegara, Mohammad Hanafi


As a matter of fact, vocabulary is essential for any language learners. Unfortunately, based on observation done by the researcher on the teaching-learning process of English vocabularies in SMPN 1 Trenggalek was disappointing enough. Thus, this research aims to develop vocabulary teaching media for students of SMPN 1 Trenggalek. The press is dedicated for them to make them interested in vocabulary learning with fun, challenging and contextual material in it. This research was conducted by using Research and Development (R&D).

Meanwhile, the subject of this research was the J class of SMPN 1 Trenggalek. The entire matter was 31 students, consisted of 15 males and 16 females. The researcher had done a need analysis to know students' needs, and then she continued studying some recent theories, developed the products and validated the products to the expert. Further, the researcher did field testing of the product in the class and collected the data of the research using questionnaire and observation field note. The finding of the questionnaire in the process of need analysis resulted in a total percentage of 93.5%. Based on the result, it could be categorized as very strong, and it can be said that the findings of questionnaire implementation on need analysis could be used as a basis for developing vocabulary teaching media. As the media had been fully developed, the researcher validated the product development to the expert. The last, the findings of the questionnaire after field testing the product proved that most students agreed that the media is appropriate with them and automatically make them fun, motivated and challenged in vocabulary learning. Based on the research findings above, it can be concluded that the developed teaching media were successful in fulfilling the students' needs.

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