Ellys Rafika Sari Turnip, Suprayitno Suprayitno, Yulia Nugrahini


The purpose of this research was to find a correlation between listening ability and vocabulary mastery. In this research, respondents came from second and fourth-semester students at STKIP PGRI TRENGGALEK in the 2017/2018 school year. The number of the sample was 31 people using purposive sampling technique. This research is a correlation design and quantitative approach. The data obtained in this research used two tests: gap filling tests for listening and multiple choice tests for vocabulary tests. This research data is calculated using the Person Product Moment formula with Microsoft excels application by manually. It showed that the two variables result is 0.164 it means, there is a correlation but very low. So the conclusion of this research there is a very low Correlation between listening ability and vocabulary mastery at STKIP PGRI Trenggalek

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